Name: Scott B. Patten, MD, PhD
Email: patten@ucalgary.ca
Position: Professor at Hotchkiss Brain Institute and O'Brien Institute for Public Health, University of Calgary
Dr. Patten obtained a medical doctorate (MD) from the University of Alberta in 1986 and subsequently a specialist certification (FRCPC) in Psychiatry (1991) and PhD in epidemiology (1994) at the University of Calgary. Currently, he is a Professor in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, and holds the Cutherbertson and Fischer Chair in Pediatric Mental Health at the University of Calgary. Methodologically, he is interested in longitudinal data analysis methods, simulation and predictive modeling approaches. He is a psychiatrist and member of the Medical Staff at the Peter Lougheed Centre (PLC) and the Foothills Medical Centre (Mood Disorders Program) in Calgary.
Website: https://people.ucalgary.ca/~patten/